
Articles published by the Preview Consortium 


  1. 1. Can a higher protein/low glycemic index versus a conventional diet attenuate changes in appetite and gut hormones following weight loss? A 3-year PREVIEW sub-study, by Marion E C Buso, Radhika V Mcclintock, Sally McClintock, Roslyn Muirhead, Fiona S Atkinson, Shannon Brodie, Jarron Dodds, Jessica Zibellini, Arpita Das, Anthony L Wild-Taylor, Jessica Honeywood, Mikael Fogelholm, Anne Raben, Jennie Cecile Brand-Miller, Amanda Sainsbury, published in Frontiers in Nutrition, section Nutrition and Metabolism.



  1. The PREVIEW intervention study: Results from a 3-year randomized 2 x 2 factorial multinational trial investigating the role of protein, glycaemic index and physical activity for the prevention of type 2 diabetes. Anne Raben, Pia Siig Vestentoft, Jennie Brand-Miller et al. Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism 2021, 23; 324-337.


  1. High Compared with Moderate Protein Intake Reduces Adaptive Thermogenesis and Induces a Negative Energy Balance during Long-term Weight-Loss Maintenance in Participants with Prediabetes in the Postobese State: A PREVIEW Study, Mathijs Drummen, Lea Tischmann, Blandine Gatta-Cherifi, Mikael Fogelholm, Anne Raben, Tanja C Adam, Margriet S Westerterp-Plantenga. The Journal of Nutrition, Volume 150, Issue 3, March 2020, Pages 458–463,


  1. Role of Endocannabinoids in Energy-Balance Regulation in Participants in the Postobese State—a PREVIEW Study. Mathijs Drummen, Lea Tischmann, Blandine Gatta-Cherifi, Daniela Cota, Isabelle Matias, Anne Raben, Tanja Adam, Margriet Westerterp-Plantenga. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, Volume 105, Issue 7, July 2020, Pages e2511–e2520,


  1. Compositional analysis of the associations between 24-h movement behaviours and cardio-metabolic risk factors in overweight and obese adults with pre-diabetes from the PREVIEW study: cross-sectional baseline analysis.  Swindell, N., Rees, P., Fogelholm, M. et al.  Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act 17, 29 (2020).


  1. The anserine to carnosine ratio: an excellent discriminator between white and red meats consumed by free-living overweight participants of the PREVIEW study. Cuparencu, C., Rinnan, Å., Silvestre, M.P. et al. Eur J Nutr (2020).


  1. Sociocognitive factors associated with lifestyle intervention attrition after successful weight loss among participants with prediabetes—The PREVIEW study  Maija Huttunen-Lenz et al.Public Health Nursing 11 March 2020.


  1. Is a Higher Protein-Lower Glycemic Index Diet More Nutritious Than a Conventional Diet? A PREVIEW Sub-study. A Meroni, RP Muirhead, FS Atkinson, M Fogelholm, A Raben, JC Brand-Miller.  - Frontiers in Nutrition, 7 December 2020.



  1. Effects of a High-Protein/Moderate-Carbohydrate Diet on Appetite, Gut Peptides, and Endocannabinoids—A Preview Study. Tischmann, L.; Drummen, M.; Gatta-Cherifi, B.; Raben, A.; Fogelholm, M.; Hartmann, B.; Holst, J.J.; Matias, I.; Cota, D.; Mensink, R.P.; Joris, P.J.; Westerterp-Plantenga, M.S.; Adam, T.C. Nutrients 2019, 11, 2269.


  1. Insulin resistance, weight, and behavioral variables as determinants of brain reactivity to food cues: a Prevention of Diabetes through Lifestyle Intervention and Population Studies in Europe and around the World – a PREVIEW study. Mathijs Drummen, Elke Dorenbos, Anita C E Vreugdenhil, Anne Raben, Margriet S Westerterp-Plantenga, Tanja C Adam. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 109, Issue 2, February 2019, Pages 315–321,


  1. Protein intake and the incidence of pre-diabetes and diabetes in 4 population-based studies: the PREVIEW project. Sluik D, Brouwer-Brolsma EM, Berendsen AAM, Mikkilä V, Poppitt SD, Silvestre MP, Tremblay A, Pérusse L, Bouchard C, Raben A, Feskens EJM. Am J Clin Nutr. 2019 May 1;109(5):1310-1318.


  1. The association of dietary animal and plant protein with putative risk markers of colorectal cancer in overweight pre-diabetic individuals during a weight-reducing programme: a PREVIEW sub-study.  Møller, G., Andersen, J.R., Jalo, E. et al. Eur J Nutr 59, 1517–1527 (2020).


  1. The PREVIEW study: Supporting behavior change in an international intervention study among participants with pre-diabetes. Huttunen-Lenz, M., Hansen, S., Larsen, T. M., Christensen, P., Drummen, M., Adam, T., Taylor, M. A., Simpson, E., Martinez, J. A., Navas-Carretero, S., Handjieva-Darlenska, T., Poppitt, S. D., Silvestre, M. P., Fogelholm, M., Jalo, E., Muirhead, R., Brodie, S., Raben, A., & Schlicht, W. (2019). European Journal of Health Psychology, 26(1), 10–20.


  1. The Glycaemic Index-Food-Frequency Questionnaire: Development and Validation of a Food Frequency Questionnaire Designed to Estimate the Dietary Intake of Glycaemic Index and Glycaemic Load: An Effort by the PREVIEW Consortium. Brouwer-Brolsma EM, Berendsen AAM, Sluik D, Van de Wiel AM, Raben A, De Vries JHM, Brand-Miller J, Feskens EJM. Nutrients. 2019; 11(1):13.


  1. Reductions in body weight and insulin resistance are not associated with changes in grey matter volume or cortical thickness during the PREVIEW study. Drummen, M., Heinecke, A., Dorenbos, E.,Vreugdenhil, A., Raben, A., Westerterp-Plantenga, M. S., Adam, T. C. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 403; 106-111.



1. Objectively Measured Physical Activity and Sedentary Time Are Associated With Cardiometabolic Risk Factors inAdults With Prediabetes: The PREVIEW Study.

Swindell N, Mackintosh K, McNarry M, Stephens JW, Sluik D, Fogelholm M,Drummen M, MacDonald I, Martinez JA, Handjieva-Darlenska T, Poppitt SD,Brand-Miller J, Larsen TM, Raben A, Stratton G.

Diabetes Care. 2018 Mar;41(3):562-569. doi: 10.2337/dc17-1057. Epub 2017 Nov 20.

2. Higher Protein Intake Is Not Associated with Decreased Kidney Function inPre-Diabetic Older Adults Following a One-Year Intervention-A Preview Sub-Study.

Møller G, Rikardt Andersen J, Ritz C, P Silvestre M, Navas-Carretero S, JaloE, Christensen P, Simpson E, Taylor M, Martinez JA, Macdonald I, Swindell N,Mackintosh KA, Stratton G, Fogelholm M, Larsen TM, Poppitt SD, Dragsted LO, RabenA.

Nutrients. 2018 Jan 9;10(1). pii: E54. doi: 10.3390/nu10010054.

 3. PREVIEW (Prevention of Diabetes ThroughLifestyle Intervention and Population Studies in Europe and Around the World) study in children aged 10 to 17 years: Design, methods and baseline results.

Dorenbos E, Drummen M, Rijks J, Adam T, Stouthart P, Alfredo Martínez J,Navas-Carretero S, Stratton G, Swindell N, Fogelholm M, Raben A,Westerterp-Plantenga M, Vreugdenhil A.

Diabetes Obes Metab. 2018 May;20(5):1096-1101. doi: 10.1111/dom.13216. Epub 2018 Feb 8.

4. Long-term effects of increased protein intake after weight loss on intrahepatic lipid content and implications for insulin sensitivity - a PREVIEW study.

Drummen M, Dorenbos E, Vreugdenhil AC, Raben A, Fogelholm M, Westerterp-Plantenga MS, Adam T. 

Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2018 Aug 7. doi: 10.1152/ajpendo.00162.2018. 

5. Men and women respond differently to rapid weight loss: Metabolic outcomes of a multi-centre intervention study after a low-energy diet in 2500 overweight, individuals with pre-diabetes (PREVIEW).

Christensen P, Meinert Larsen T, Westerterp-Plantenga M, Macdonald I, Martinez JA, Handjiev S, Poppitt S, Hansen S, Ritz C, Astrup A, Pastor-Sanz L, Sandø-Pedersen F, Pietiläinen KH, Sundvall J, Drummen M, Taylor MA, Navas-Carretero S, Handjieva-Darlenska T, Brodie S, Silvestre MP, Huttunen-Lenz M, Brand-Miller J, Fogelholm M, Raben A.

Diabetes Obes Metab. 2018 Aug 7. doi: 10.1111/dom.13466. 

6. Demographic and Social-Cognitive Factors Associated with Weight Loss in Overweight, Pre-diabetic Participants of the PREVIEW Study.

Hansen S, Huttunen-Lenz M, Sluik D, Brand-Miller J, Drummen M, Fogelholm M, Handjieva-Darlenska T, Macdonald I, Martinez AJ, Larsen TM, Poppitt S, Raben A, Schlicht W.

Int J Behav Med. 2018 Aug 20. doi: 10.1007/s12529-018-9744-x.

7. PREVIEW study-influence of a behavior modification intervention (PREMIT) in over 2300 people with pre-diabetes: intention, self-efficacy and outcome expectancies during the early phase of a lifestyle intervention.

Huttunen-Lenz M, Hansen S, Christensen P, Meinert Larsen T, Sandø-Pedersen F, Drummen M, Adam TC, Macdonald IA, Taylor MA, Martinez JA, Navas-Carretero S, Handjiev S, Poppitt SD, Silvestre MP, Fogelholm M, Pietiläinen KH, Brand-Miller J, Berendsen AA, Raben A, Schlicht W.

Psychol Res Behav Manag. 2018 Sep 12;11:383-394. doi: 10.2147/PRBM.S160355. eCollection 2018. PubMed PMID: 30254498; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6143124.


8. Insulin resistance, weight, and behavioral variables as determinants of brain reactivity to food cues: a Prevention of Diabetes through Lifestyle Intervention and Population Studies in Europe and around the World - a PREVIEW study.

Drummen M, Dorenbos E, Vreugdenhil ACE, Raben A, Westerterp-Plantenga MS, Adam TC.

Am J Clin Nutr. 2018 Dec 26. doi: 10.1093/ajcn/nqy252. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed

PMID: 30590423.

9. The Glycaemic Index-Food-Frequency Questionnaire: Development and Validation of a Food Frequency Questionnaire Designed to Estimate the Dietary Intake of Glycaemic Index and Glycaemic Load: An Effort by the PREVIEW Consortium.

Brouwer-Brolsma EM, Berendsen AAM, Sluik D, van de Wiel AM, Raben A, de Vries JHM, Brand-Miller J, Feskens EJM Nutrients. 2018 Dec 20;11(1). pii: E13. doi:10.3390/nu11010013. PubMed PMID: 30577531; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6356369

10.Associations of Brain Reactivity to Food Cues with Weight Loss, Protein Intake and Dietary Restraint during the PREVIEW Intervention.

Drummen M, Dorenbos E, Vreugdenhil ACE, Stratton G, Raben A,Westerterp-Plantenga MS, Adam TC.  Nutrients. 2018 Nov 15;10(11). pii: E1771. doi: 10.3390/nu10111771.PubMed PMID: 30445718; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6266251.


1. A Protein Diet Score, Including Plant and Animal Protein, Investigating theAssociation with HbA1c and eGFR-The PREVIEW Project.

Møller G, Sluik D, Ritz C, Mikkilä V, Raitakari OT, Hutri-Kähönen N, Dragsted LO, Larsen TM, Poppitt SD, Silvestre MP, Feskens EJM, Brand-Miller J, Raben A.

Nutrients. 2017 Jul 17;9(7). pii: E763. doi: 10.3390/nu9070763.

2. PREVIEW: Prevention of Diabetes through Lifestyle Intervention and PopulationStudies in Europe and around the World. Design, Methods, and Baseline ParticipantDescription of an Adult Cohort Enrolled into a Three-Year Randomised ClinicalTrial.

Fogelholm M, Larsen TM, Westerterp-Plantenga M, Macdonald I, Martinez JA,Boyadjieva N, Poppitt S, Schlicht W, Stratton G, Sundvall J, Lam T, Jalo E,Christensen P, Drummen M, Simpson E, Navas-Carretero S, Handjieva-Darlenska T,Muirhead R, Silvestre MP, Kahlert D, Pastor-Sanz L, Brand-Miller J, Raben A.

Nutrients. 2017 Jun 20;9(6). pii: E632. doi: 10.3390/nu9060632.


1. PREVIEW Behavior Modification Intervention Toolbox (PREMIT): A Study Protocol for a Psychological Element of a Multicenter Project.

Kahlert D, Unyi-Reicherz A, Stratton G, Meinert Larsen T, Fogelholm M, Raben A, Schlicht W.

Front Psychol. 2016 Aug 10;7:1136. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01136.

2. Contributors to dietary glycaemic index and glycaemic load in the Netherlands: the role of beer.

Sluik D, Atkinson FS, Brand-Miller JC, Fogelholm M, Raben A, Feskens EJ.

Br J Nutr. 2016 Apr 14;115(7):1218-25. doi: 10.1017/S0007114516000052. Epub 2016 Feb 9.


1. The higher protein-low GI diet for people with diabetes.

Brand-Miller JC.

Diabetes Management Journal. 2015, 24-26

2. The role of higher protein diets in weight control and obesity-related comorbidities.

Astrup A, Raben A, Geiker N. Int J Obes (Lond). 2015 May; 39(5):721-6. doi: 10.1038/ijo.2014.216. Epub 2014 Dec 26. Review.

3. Methodology for assigning appropriate glycaemic index values to an Australian food composition database.

Louie JCY, Flood VM, Atkinson FS, Barclay AW, Brand-Miller JC

J Food Composition and Analysis. 2014; 38: 1-6.


1. Glycemic index and metabolic risks: how strong is the evidence?

Raben A.

Am J Clin Nutr. 2014 Jul; 100(1):1-3. doi: 10.3945/ajcn.114.090415. Epub 2014 Jun 4.

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